What is Argentine Tango?
Watch the video : Welcome to tango. Masculine, Feminine, Beautiful, Passionate. After thousands of articles trying to describe the dance properly, we thought that this YouTube clip would give everyone a better idea. If you haven't seen tango before, watch this and you'll understand what drives the passion. Watch the video, and then email us and tell us when you want to join us for some dancing... :-)
Argentine Tango in Durban - Social dancing at its best
Argentine Tango is elegant dance that is free of set steps and set timing. It's unlike latin-american / ballroom dance, because there are no step patterns to remember, or sequences to follow. You simply dance to music, with each step being improvised. If you don't know what the Argentine Tango is, then please join us. It's a mixture of spontaneous creativity, self-expression , social entertainment, and dancing, all wrapped in one single art-form.
Who are we?
We are a group of tango-addicts who want to get the passion flowing. Jo'burg and Cape Town have great social dance scenes, and Durban has been left out. There were no milongas (tango dance socials) in Durban, and no instructors we've found are able can teach the Argentine Tango (properly)... So we've adopted an open-source environment where we share knowledge with other dancers, teaching concepts instead of routines / steps. This means that you can dance anywhere in the world, and you'll know how to lead and follow. No more questions of not knowing a step because you're dancing with somebody from another studio, etc. This is a global dance.
How to get hold of us
To learn more about what's happening, just contact us via email or join our TangoDurban Facebook group.
Monday Evening - Practica Sessions in Westville
Monday socials are held weekly at the German Club in Westville. Join us for a beginner/intermediate lesson or practica, which is followed by social dancing. Our aim is to make it an express-learning opportunity as well as a great social event... Everyone is welcome.
Sunday Evening - Monthly Milonga
We're currently holding Sunday evening milongas every second Sunday. We hope to grow this to become a weekly event. Our goal is to get an awesome vibe with great music, so check on the Facebook page or get yourself onto our email list so we can keep you updated. Join us for a great evening. PLEASE NOTE: We have our milonga in a restaurant venue. They agreement is this: They give us dancefloor and we make it worthwhile by sitting down and having a meal. Even a starter - but we need to support them. This effort will ensure ongoing dance-space. We'd appreciate your support in this.
Learning the Argentine Tango Beginner Lessons:
Argentine Tango Classes are now available in Durban. Group classes are usually held on Monday evenings, from 7 - 8.30pm at the German Club in Westville. Please contact us for more information. :)